TFT on Patreon
Now on Patreon, True Face Tarot is offering UNISON
A transformative journey exploring how we can individually synchronize with the cyclical nature of life within our unique, personal environments for more harmony…
This isn’t tower-moment transformation. It’s not going to break you open or catalyze crises for the purpose of change. It’s a slow unfolding; a gentle, gradual blooming in accord with the universe; a relationship we refine more and more each year…
IF you’ve found yourself in burnout or collapse, or suffer from chronic illness or pain, and feel you’re in need of a more holistic approach to life…
IF you’re looking for support managing SAD, BPD, or other seasonally affected health challenges…
IF you simply have a curiosity about how the cycles of nature and/or your environment affect you, maybe you’ve even tried working with the wheel of the year or astrology, but you haven’t been able to create a personal system for yourself that’s effective and harmonious…
Join True Face Tarot on Patreon for UNISON.